Do you have IRS Tax Debt – Give us a call so we can help you settle your tax debt with the IRS for “Pennies on the Dollar”?
NEVER Negotiate with the IRS! Obviously, dealing with the IRS alone (especially THIS tax season) is NOT recommended if you want real peace of mind. Do you have a large tax debt with the IRS?
Give us a call and we’ll negotiate on your behalf to help settle your debt for less than you owe. Contact us for assistance.
Confidential Consultations
Do you feel like you’re in over your head when it comes to resolving your IRS debt? Going up against the IRS by yourself can be an intimidating and daunting task and there is no shame in looking for help with IRS debt.
If you’re struggling to pay current or back taxes, Penrose & Associates offers a FREE confidential consultation to personally evaluate your specific tax situation.
We will obtain all relevant information necessary, perform our research and recommend the best course of action for your specific situation.
We then begin the process of negotiation with the IRS toward a resolution of your tax problems, placing you back in compliance.
Experienced Negotiations
Based on your specific situation you may be eligible for an Offer in Compromise (OIC). This program allows you to settle your tax liability at a discount.
The Offer in Compromise Program is a formal application to the IRS requesting that it accept less than full payment for what you owe in taxes, interest, and penalties.
This process negotiates your tax liability, places collection efforts on hold, and prohibits the IRS from instituting any levies on your assets and wages.
While it is possible to submit an application yourself, many people complete the forms incorrectly. IRS figures show that 75% of offers are returned immediately due to incorrect forms. Of the 25% that are processed, approximately 50% are rejected. This is why it’s important to work with an experienced professional.