Money Saving Tax Tips

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How the Expanded Child Tax Credit Payments Work

The Biden administration has begun to distribute expanded child tax credit payments, giving parents on average $423 this month, with payments continuing through the end of the year. President Joe Biden increased the size of the tax credit as part of his $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package, as well as making it fully available to families without any tax... Continue reading

New Unemployment Benefits: Who Qualifies and When Payments Start

When the extended programs included in the CARES Act came to an end millions of Americans lost their unemployment benefits. Fortunately, Congress has passed a new relief package that, in addition to introducing second stimulus checks and money for vaccine distribution, further extends unemployment benefits to out-of-work Americans. And not a moment too soon. While unemployment benefits... Continue reading

What to Do if You Haven’t Received Your Second Stimulus Check Yet

After much political back and forth—and about nine months after the first checks started going out—the second round of stimulus checks is finally hitting Americans’ bank accounts. Many people have tweeted that they’ve already received the second payment, but there are also lots of people concerned about why they haven’t. This time, the checks are... Continue reading

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